We are being called to replace a school building in Spean da Cambodia, meaning “wooden bridge”. The need is great and the cost is high, but we continue faithfully and prayerfully, knowing that these little ones will have their school building one day.
The folks in Ajen, a small village on the Mekong River in Cambodia, were being worked over. They were watching their traditional way of life being cut away. Precious stands of trees were being illegally razed and shipped to China and Vietnam. Illegal mining operations were dumping chemicals into their waterways. Violators were bringing in armed guards. Violence flared. And on top of this, schooling of the dozens of children in this village was sorely lacking...until a man showed up one day.
The Emanuel Christian School can be found in the Buddhist village of Broyouk, Cambodia. The village is growing, classes are in session and in more ways than one, the teachers and staff are looking for educational activities that go beyond the school walls.
In Sagubo, Philippines, ten local students are learning the art of basic carpentry. Slowly but surely, these students are learning to craft tables, chairs, benches, and cabinets. And what a valuable skill this is proving to be.