So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith

When we were in Haiti this summer, we had the opportunity to go to a mountain community and do a Vacation Bible School for the kids there. We spent two days climbing up the mountain, putting on the VBS, and spending lots of time playing with the kids and telling them about God's power and love. It was amazing! We had just finished climbing up the mountain on the third day, and we were all exhausted from the two full days before. We had no idea how we were going to get the energy to do it all one more time, but we prayed and God certainly answered that prayer.

As we were wrapping up the VBS that last day, the missionary we were working with asked if we'd be willing to pray for the kids before we left. She said that as far as she knew, they had never been prayed for, and she wouldn't be suprised if only 10 out of the 200 kids came up for prayer. We decided we would pray for them, so we all went up to the front of the room and waited for the translator to tell the kids what we would be doing.

And when they were met with that call, they answered. Not just 10 Haitian kids came up...but close to 150!! We were all so overwelmed and excited! There were times when we had so many kids around us that we would be praying for up to 5 kids at a time. It didn't take long for us to realize that some of them were so excited to be prayed for they would go from missionary student to missionary student wanting to be prayed for over and over.

Later on, when we were debriefing from the day some of the missionary students said it was the first time they had to pray from what they felt God was saying to pray for, and not praying from a specific request. It was an amazing day of us growing closer to God, but also sharing the power of prayer with the kids in the mountain community.