So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith

This summer, our ministry had three youth groups come to our base and be apart of Minneapolis outreaches. They arrived in Minnesota on a Thursday night and went through our three day training weekend.

Throughout the weekend our staff shared about the basics of Christianity and dug into what it really means to love God and love people. There were times of worhsip and times of prayer - encouraging the students to be in the Word and listen in prayer. Throughout the time, students said they heard God speak to them through the worship sessions, and teachings about evangelism and prayer.

After these few days of training, the students had been filled and they were ready to go pour their passion into Minneapolis! It was through activities like prayer walks, playing with Somali children in South Minneapolis, painting a house for an elderly couple, and having personal times with God that students truly had an eye-opening experience through outreach. Among some of the student’s favorite experiences were “meeting new people, quiet times, being around other people with similar struggles, following God, and being forced to try new things”.

We were blown away and humbled to see God move in powerful ways in and through our Minneapolis groups this summer. In their own words, students said that God taught them: “love everyone, be BOLD, love is a choice, confidence, how to pray for love and share it, and the importance of quiet time.” God is truly working in the hearts of our youth and students.

I would like to send a Thank You out to all who participated in our Minneapolis outreaches this summer. I am so proud of how you stepped out in faith and allowed God to work in and through you.