to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins

A powerful program is as work in Uganda, called Kyosiga Community Christian Association for Development (KACCAD).

Derrick, the director of KACCAD, has had a heart for service his entire life. He dropped out of school because of his mother’s encouragement to help the community. He saw to it that his siblings got an education even though it meant that he never finished his degree. One of his priorities is to raise the standard of living of underprivileged people in Wakiso District through vocational skill development and by providing start-up resources for income generation.

KAACAD depends on the volunteer program to fund many of their development and training projects. Currently, they are striving to build a new center that will  help in the recruitment from various organizations, and in turn provide more funds for KACCAD services. Donors and volunteers have provided funds towards the construction and solar-power system for this building. Not only do volunteers provide funding, but they also teach classes in the schools, conduct health classes and workshops, and assist with medical testing. Truly it is a communal effort to start and sustain this center, and the Lord is being faithful to these efforts.

In addition to all the work that the volunteers do, the KACCAD staff provide health and AIDS education to students as well as the general community. They also provide voluntary HIV/AIDS Counseling and Testing to community members. Many of these services can now be expanded with the clinic and training center in the new building.

The people of the Wakiso District are being positively impacted by these efforts. Our prayer is that the volunteers and staff would continue to be led to give time and resources to these people. Lord, would you build your kindom in this place.