to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins

We have witnessed an amazing desire to learn by the people of Sagubo in the Philippines. A sewing project was started there that has recently seen eight determined, hard working graduates. Just to get to class, the students are required to walk mountain paths, often in rain, up to 4 hours a day to get to and from class, three days a week for four months This is determination. This is Nena's sewing room.

Nena and her students now sew and repair clothes for her neighbors. In addition, in order to help pay for their portion of the machine at graduation, they carry boards roughtly one and a half hours down the mountain to a construction site for 50 cents a tripThe work is hard, but they press on becuase it is worth it to them. There is no passing up this opportunity.

These students are truly eager to learn. They have only to be presented with an opportunity and they will cherish it and make the most of it. Becoming proficient in a skill can be life-changing. It can mean having money and food and security for their families. Do not underestimate something simple like a sewing project, it really is an amazing feat and we are praising God that they have this opportunity and that they are making the most of it.