to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins

A typical graduation gift in the United States would probably include money or perhaps a laptop or a car if the family was especially wealthy. These are things we consider to be helpful to the young person's future - things that will propel them forward and teach them responsibility. In Uganda, however, providing a Primary-7 graduate with a pregnant goat remains one of the most effective ways of teaching the young person responsibility and providing precious income to pay for secondary school fees and supplies.

A goat. We often underestimate the impact that livestock can have on an individual or family. This one goat will provide enough milk each day for the family, giving them essential vitamins and nutrients that might otherwise be missing in their diet. Their bodies will grow strong and healthy. Any extra milk, then, can be sold thus help the family generate income. This one goat can also help to fertalize crops and gardens, making those ventures healthier and more profitable.

One goat can change the life of a family. Imagine what two goats could do, or multiple farm animals could do. Our goal is to empower change within families. It starts with a simple goat and it can quickly grow into a healthy and sustaiable life for a family.