to give his people the knowledge of salvation through the forgiveness of their sins

Let me tell you a little bit about the progess that has been made at the Christ Community Lutheran School in Kawete, Uganda.

There is a beautiful partnership between Christ Community Lutheran School in St. Louis and its counterpart in Kawete, Uganda. So much of the progress that has been made at this school in Uganda is thanks to the generosity of the St. Louis school and of other donors. While the St. Louis school was able to raise funds to construct one of the two classroom buildings and to purchase additional property to be used for school gardens, other donors have had to provide support for much of the school’s operating expenses.

The school secretary does the school office work on the manual typewriter - no computers here! Donors have generously provided a mimeograph machine to make copies of teachers papers and exams, and funds to help ship a container of solar supplies and furniture. Desks, chairs, and cabinets were donated by Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, and all were placed in this container to Uganda.

Unfortuntely, this container with the solar panels was detained in customs for several months, so even though a volunteer had wired the electrical in the building for the solar supplies back in November, the crate didn't arrive until March. What excitement when it finally arrived. Rev. Charles Bameka, newly elected president of Lutheran Church in Uganda even climbed on that hot roof to help install those panels (in the yellow shirt). The job was completed, and during our late meeting with the Board, all of a sudden the light was switched on and warmth flooded the room. What a pleasant surprise for everyone.