Not long ago we visited seven villages in southeast Uganda and it tore us up. We came home, convinced that something had to be done on behalf of these kids.

We got tow ork. We told our story and the stories of these villages, and before long valuable partnerships were formed. Incredibly caring people—both here and there--have made some heart-melting things happen. Projects were immediately undertakes that would benefit the kids, their families, and their situation. We would like to share what we have learned after nine years:

 • Hungry kids can’t learn. Pure and simple. If we want young brains to develop and young minds to expand, we need to make sure there’s enough good food in the young tummies.

 • If momma is sick, the kids are sick. If we want the kids to be healthy, we need to keep momma healthy.

 • Simply tossing around world hunger numbers can be numbing. We know the kids we serve. We know them by face and by name. We can’t stop fretting about them. They’re hungry, and they need our help. 

• Nothing substantive happens easily or automatically. A sustainable nutrition program requires planning, work, patience. And still more patience.

Sent and sustained by Jesus, the Bread of Life, we are currently involved in health and feeding programs we call 'Bread for Life'. Please pray for this mission and these young lives that need nourishment for body and spirit.